University of Gothenburg

Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology


At the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology, students, teachers and researchers study the Swedish language in every conceivable way. We examine how the Swedish is preceieved today, how it has been perceived historically, how it is used in different situations, and how it influences and is influenced by society.

Among our courses you'll find Danish, rhetoric, Swedish as a Second Language, Swedish and writing. You can also train to become a language consultant, or to become a teacher of Swedish or Swedish as a second language.

Our research can be divided into five areas that are particularly prominent: grammar; language technology; lexicology, lexicography and phraseology; multilingualism and Swedish as a second language; and text and context. We are also home to the National Language Bank, which develops language technology and enables computers to process human language in all its forms. In addition, we also host the editorial functions for both Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) and Svensk ordbok.

We welcome you here to learn about, discuss, and contribute to the knowledge of the Swedish language!

Our research

The research at the department can be divided into five areas that are particularly prominent: grammar; language technology; lexicology, lexicography and phraseology; multilingualism and Swedish as a second language; and text and context. We are also home to the National Language Bank, which develops language technology and enables computers to process human language in all its forms. In addition, we also host the editorial functions for both Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) and Svensk ordbok.

Doctoral studies

Research studies differ in many ways from regular studies at the university – before you apply, find out what a research programme entails at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology. We offer third-cycle programmes in Nordic languages, natural language processing and Swedish as a second language.